Current rates for Google SEO referencing, service by service

4 min read

The SEO audit is the prerequisite for any form of natural referencing action, because the agency or the referencing consultant who will take charge of the implementation of your natural referencing strategy must necessarily inspect the state of your site and its level of optimization before committing further.

It is for this reason that we can compare the audit phase to an inventory of your website.

The web or SEO agency that performs the audit sifts through many elements and factors likely to affect your SEO performance (HTML structure, title tags, meta description, loading speed of your site, internal linking, quality of backlinks , etc.), the objective being to detect technical errors and all the points of friction which prevent your website from positioning itself in the first results of the Google search pages.

Secondly, based on what he has discovered, your service provider submits a detailed report to you and suggests areas for improvement, which must be aligned with your marketing objectives (for example, increasing online traffic, improving the conversion rate, development of online sales, etc.) and on your budget.

For a basic audit carried out by an SEO, web or web marketing agency, it is necessary to count between 500 and 2,500 €, while for an advanced audit, the prices start at 3,000 € and can climb up to 10,000 €, depending on the size and complexity of your website.

If you use a freelance or independent consultant, the rates will be more affordable, but the quality and speed of execution of the audit may not be the same.

In summary, the price of the SEO audit will vary considerably depending on the number of elements that will be analyzed. If you have a showcase site of a few pages, an independent SEO provider can carry out a basic audit of your site in one day, while if you are the owner of a complex e-commerce site of several hundred pages, the audit complete can take several weeks, between the analysis phase and the recommendation phase.

Adding competitive analysis to your SEO audit service to pinpoint your main competitors’ SEO strengths, such as their main keywords, is a factor that will also inflate your bill.

Now let’s move on to the other different types of SEO actions.

Technical corrections

Technical corrections depend of course on what the audit has revealed about the technical health of your website.

Fixing these technical issues is critical because they affect the user experience on your website. However, the UX is considered by the Google algorithm as a major factor in being well positioned on the search engine, and it is actually the same for Bing, Yahoo!, Qwant, etc.

Failure to resolve these technical issues will prevent your progress in search engine rankings.

Here are the main technical issues that can hinder your SEO:

The loading speed of your web pages


Internal linking

Optimization and content writing

Content is another fundamental element for your site to rank well. It is still necessary to offer relevant content, with high added value and which is regularly renewed.

It is of course impossible to talk about content without mentioning the keywords on which your website wishes to position itself to attract traffic and generate sales.

The choice of strategic keywords that your SEO agency or your service provider will select, after generally a competitive study and a keyword analysis, will prove to be crucial for the success of your SEO project.

Ideally, the keywords on which you are going to position yourself must have a high potential for traffic volume, correspond to the content you offer, and be realistic, that is to say, you must choose keywords that do not are not ultra-competitive.

But back to the content.

For your website to rank at the top of the first search page, it must include quality content that addresses the issues of your audience.

The purpose of web content writing is to create high-quality blog posts and web pages that are tailored, unique and optimized to meet the queries of your audience and the SEO criteria established by the Google algorithm.

An SEO agency or a service provider specializing in web writing can take care of putting an optimization plan for your existing content and ensuring the creation of new content at regular intervals.

For the writing of content optimized for search engines, it is necessary to count between 30 and 90 € per 1000 words, depending on the complexity of the subject to be treated.

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