What is the objective of your website?

4 min read

A website can take different forms depending on your needs. Thus, you need to know if your site will be more of a showcase site (presenting your company, your products or services and generating leads), an e-commerce site (to generate online sales) or if it will be a professional blog (to drive traffic to your brand).

Note that the creation of a blog is quite complementary to the website. To learn more, here is why you should create your professional blog.

How many pages will you need to get started?

The number of pages to create plays a huge role in the price of the website if you go through an agency or a freelancer. The more pages you have to write and integrate, the more time it will take from your service provider. Also, if you make your website yourself, think about the time it will take you. Yes, time is money!

Do you already have a graphic charter and visual elements?

Another inseparable aspect of website creation: the graphic part. Indeed, having all the graphic elements you need for your site will save you a lot of time. This will also impact the price of the website. If you have to create the graphic charter, find and/or buy illustration visuals, the cost of the website will necessarily increase.

Would you like to have your website created by a professional?

This is the most important point in your reflection on the creation or redesign of a website. Are you going and do you want to do it by yourself? Engaging in the creation of a website requires time and some skills. Beyond the technical aspect (today facilitated by many solutions), you have to think about the editorial aspect and the optimization of your site. Going through an agency or a freelancer will cost you more but you will probably save time and energy!

The issue of website maintenance is often overlooked at the time of its creation. But at the first attack or loss of data, you will quickly realize the importance of making regular backups and updates. Again, this is an additional cost that is added to the price of the website but it remains very affordable to keep your mind at ease.

Before you start comparing website prices, think carefully about the different features you will need and which will allow you to estimate your costs more easily.

The price of a showcase site varies from 500 to 3000 euros and for an e-commerce site it is necessary to count between 1000 euros and 20 000 euros on estimate for a tailor-made site.

To give you an idea of ​​market prices and to find the professional(s) you are going to need for the creation of a website, Malt (formerly Hopwork) has drawn up a barometer of freelance prices in 2016. Currently the daily price of a freelancer is on average 300 euros HT per day.

web agencies

Prices vary depending on your project and your needs. There are prices ranging from 5,000 euros to 100,000 euros.

Web agencies are often multi-skilled agencies, which may explain the higher costs compared to a freelancer or a turnkey solution.

To choose the right digital agency, you need to know the skills it offers within its services, such as:

Good knowledge of CMS: WordPress, Joomla, etc. ;

Mastery of social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. ;

Perfect mastery of the language used for the content of the site;

A simple website is no longer enough to publicize an activity or develop a business. Today, you need to create content and invest in communication, whether managed in-house or outsourced. Today, creating a website is much more than a simple question of price. It is a long term investment. It’s up to you to make the right decision and who you want to implement it with.

Neocamino offers you a complete website creation or redesign service, even going as far as writing your commercial pages if you don’t want to waste time taking care of it.

We also offer a website maintenance service to ensure its security and prosperity. Delegate your digital communication to us and focus on what you do best!

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